Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Schweiger
TH Ingolstadt
After studying chemistry at the University of Regensburg, Prof. Dr Hans-Georg Schweiger was awarded a Dr. rer. nat. doctorate.
He wrote his dissertation in the working group of Prof Dr Heiner Gores in the field of electrochemistry. In 2005, he joined EVA Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH (Munich) as a development engineer for energy storage systems. He was employed as a consultant at BMW AG. In 2007, he moved to Continental (Berlin). He initially worked there as an expert in battery systems before later becoming a project manager in charge of series development projects and research projects in the field of battery systems for electric and hybrid vehicles. He was also a lecturer in energy storage systems at the TU Berlin from 2009-2011.
In 2011, he was appointed Professor of Vehicle Electronics and Electromobility at the TH Ingolstadt. With his working group of ten employees, he conducts research in the field of energy storage systems for vehicle applications and vehicle safety for electric vehicles. Five third-party funded projects are currently being worked on. As head of the degree programme, he has helped to establish several degree programmes in electromobility.
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