Further offers for the topic Battery technology

CARL International Research Center at the RWTH

The Center for Ageing, Reliability and Lifetime Prediction of Electrochemical and Power Electronic Systems (CARL) was opened in 2022 as an interdisciplinary research centre at RWTH Aachen University. In addition to power electronics, the centre’s research and development work focuses primarily on battery storage technologies.


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Ever-growing demand arising from the significantly increasing production of portable consumer electronic devices such as laptops and smartphones, and electric vehicles which have been subsidized in an effort of combatting the climate change, have led to everlasting investigation of reliable, sustainable, cost-effective, and easily processed energy storage systems. Among different energy storage systems, rechargeable lithium-ion […]


The mobility revolution is moving forward. More and more electric vehicles are reaching the streets and replacing combustion vehicles. However, the cell chemistries currently in use require extensive quantities of rare earths. In particular, lithium, cobalt and nickel are becoming rare commodities in the European Union, where their natural availability is very limited. For these […]


Strong growth in lithium-ion battery (LIB) demand requires a robust understanding of both costs and environmental impacts across the value-chain. Recent announcements of LIB manu- facturers to venture into cathode active material (CAM) synthesis and recycling expands the process segments under their influence. However, little research has yet provided combined costs and environmental impact assessments […]


Summary Virtual testing can shorten development and test time in different use cases like cell aging prediction utilizing neural networks or battery degradation modelling using machine learning. This presentation explains AVL’s approach on how to optimize battery development and testing with a comprehensive methodology supported by a dedicated software solution open for any test equipment […]


Alle Batterielösungen haben die Zelle als „kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner“. Für eine höhere Kapazität entsteht ein Modul aus vielen Zellen, die zusammengeschaltet sind. In der Welt der Batterieherstellung gilt ganz besonders: Kein Batteriepack ist stärker als seine schwächste Zelle. Dabei kann es einen signifikanten Unterschied in Lebensdauer und Qualität der besten und der schlechtesten Zellen geben. […]


This study proposes to work towards a novel method to deposit and sinter solid-state electrolytes with improved overall properties by investigate the manufacture. This study will also focus on sintering of NASICON (Sodium (Na) Super Ionic CONductor). The production of NASICON by a solid-state method is done by ball mill, pellet press, calcination, hand grind […]


Battery Aging represents a major challenge for the design and operation of battery energy storage systems. Models to describe the degradation depending on factors like state of charge, temperature and charge-discharge cycles do exist. To parameterize these models, time-consuming and cost-intensive experiments are necessary so far. In the BaPoBs (Battery aging and Pareto-optimal operating strategy) […]


The need for batteries with improved performance compared to conventional Li-ion technologies is rapidly growing. The capacity, charging speed, and stability of the batteries required for future technologies such as electric cars and renewable energies are continuously improved. At the same time, the cost and the time for battery production must be reduced to satisfy […]