Internationales Forschungszentrum CARL an der RWTH
Das Center for Ageing, Reliability and Lifetime Prediction of Electrochemical and Power Electronic Systems (CARL) wurde 2022 als interdisziplinäres Forschungszentrum an der RWTH in Betrieb genommen. Im Mittelpunkt der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten stehen neben der Leistungselektronik vor allem die Batteriespeichertechnologien.
Batteriemanagementsysteme für Automotiveanwendungen (Lithium-Ionen-Batterien)
Seminarsprache ist deutsch. Die Fortbewegungsmittel der Zukunft fahren elektrisch (Elektromobilität). Elektrofahrzeuge mit Lithium-Ionen Akkus sind derzeit angesagt. Insbesondere im Automotive-Bereich ist daher der Einsatz von Batteriesystemen (Batterien) zunehmend verbreitet. Ein jedes Batteriesystem (Akku) benötigt ein Batteriemanagementsystem (BMS), dessen Ziel die optimale Nutzung des Batteriespeichersystems ist zur Erlangung einer möglichst großen Reichweite und einer langer Lebensdauer. Zur Erreichung dieses Ziels bestimmt das BMS diverse Zustände des Batteriesystems (der Batteriezellen) angefangen vom Ladezustand (State of Charge, SOC) über den Alterungszustand (State of Health, SOH) bis zur Restlebensdauer (Remaining Useful Life, RUL) oder dem Sicherheitszustand (State of Safety, SOS) der Batterie.
Dr. Andreas Fischer, BASF SE
Dr. Andreas Fischer Dr. Ing. (Chemie)Dipl. Ing. (Chemie) BASF SEVice President – Global Innovation Scouting Battery Materials Seit 2012 Leitender Experte & Vizepräsident, Batterien und Elektrochemie, BASF SE 2006–2011 Gruppenleiter, Elektrochemische Forschung, BASF SE 2003–2005 Produktmanager Global Marketing Anorganische Spezialitäten, BASF AG 1997–2002 Labor- und Projektleiter F&E Zwischenprodukte, BASF AG 1994–1996 Promotionsstudium am Institut […]
Dr.-Ing. Michael Stapelbroek, FEV Europe GmbH
Vizepräsident „Elektrischer Antriebsstrang”bei der FEV Europe GmbH Technische Verantwortung und Vertretung für alle Engineering-Themen “Elektrische Antriebseinheiten (EDU), Getriebe, Elektromotor, Leistungselektronik, Batterie”. Fachliche Leitung und finanzielle Verantwortung für 13 Abteilungen mit +400 Mitarbeitern und 100 Millionen Euro Umsatz. Berufliche Laufbahn Seit 2020 Vice President „Electric Powertrain” FEV Europe GmbH 2018–2020 Direktor Batteriesysteme bei der FEV Europe […]
Caspar Rawles, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence
Caspar Rawles Caspar holds the position of Chief Data Officer at Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, a London-based leading research and consultancy firm focusing on the lithium ion battery to EV supply chain. Caspar leads a team that collects and assess sensitive market price data on lithium, graphite, cobalt, and nickel for use in industry supply contracts […]
Henning Kaland, Morrow Batteries
Henning Kaland Key qualifications Hands-on experience in industrializing new battery materials. PhD on novel cathode materials for next generation battery technologies. Engineer and Master of Science in nanotechnology from NTNU, with a master thesis on Si anodes for Li-ion batteries. Experience with a broad set of material and electrochemical characterization techniques, as well as data […]
Dr. Sungrok Bang, LG Energy Solution
Dr. Sungrok Bang Dr. Sungrok Bang is a research fellow and head of open innovation department of LG Energy Solution, where he is responsible for technology scouting, investment, and external collaboration. Dr. Bang received his Ph. D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from University of California Irvine in 2008. He is now working as […]
Dr. Rahul Fotedar, Morrow Batteries
Dr. Rahul Fotedar Dr. Rahul Fotedar is the Chief Technology Officer and one of the co-founders of Morrow Batteries AS. Rahul holds a Masters degree in chemistry from TU München and a PhD degree specializing on battery materials from ETH Zürich. Dr. Rahul Fotedar has previously worked as staff scientist in Institute of Energy Technology […]
Thermal runaway and thermal propagation of lithium ion batteries
Thermal runaway and thermal propagation, i.e. the propagation of a thermal incident from cell to cell inside a battery, are part of the most significant safety challenges in the use of lithium ion batteries as it occurs e.g. in the growing segment of electromobility. In the workshop, fundamentals of thermal runaway and thermal propagation in lithium ion batteries are discussed. In addition, challenges and results from battery safety tests will be presented as well as possible approaches for battery performance and safety simulation. Furthermore, possibilities of fault detection are discussed and their advantages and limitations are shown. The seminar is completed by a discussion of safety in general like functional safety concepts by ISO 262621:2019 with respect to battery technology and the presentation of laws and standards concerning battery safety.
Next Generation Batteries: Opportunities and Challenges
The great potential with regard to increasing energy density and other performance characteristics, but also the limits of the respective battery types, will be discussed using current literature and based on the experience of the speakers in this subject area. Participants will gain basic knowledge about the functionality and development trends of new battery systems.