Further offers for the topic Battery technology

© Fraunhofer FFB

© Fraunhofer FFB

© Fraunhofer FFB

© Fraunhofer FFB

© Fraunhofer FFB

© Fraunhofer FFB

Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB

Welcome to the Fraunhofer Battery Alliance

High-performance batteries are key components in mobile and stationary electrically powered applications and are also the most complex elements in these systems. Particularly in high energy and output ranges, the durability and reliability of a system must be high, placing significant technical demands on the batteries.

Through research in the field of electrochemical energy storage, the Fraunhofer Battery Alliance develops suitable technologies and conceptual solutions to application level, paying particular attention to their social, economic, and ecological impacts. Optimization is needed across a series of disciplines. The competences of the 24 members of the Fraunhofer Battery Alliance cover materials, cells and cell production, systems and integration, recycling, simulation, digitalization and testing. The Fraunhofer Battery Alliance develops, optimizes, and characterizes customer-specific materials and manufacturing processes for batteries and develops complete battery systems for a range of applications. Therefore, the institutes operate special pilot plants for transferring results obtained in the laboratory up to industrial scale. Research and development work aims to increase the tolerance to external influences and improves the storage properties and intrinsic safety, paying attention to aspects of the cell manufacture. Emphasis is placed on lithium-ion systems, next-generation batteries, redox-flow batteries and high-temperature storage devices

In recent years, two spin-offs have been formed from member institutes of the Fraunhofer Battery Alliance. Our Fraunhofer spin-offs develop new solutions from application to market maturity based on technologies and know-how from research.

The Batalyse GmbH developed a software system to automate time consuming manual data processing like file gathering, categorization and evaluation for R&D, production and QM with focus on electrochemistry. Sort and filter your test, analysis and production data for specific materials, projects, customers and performance. Link material properties, with production parameters and product performance, receive structured data and apply your AI to optimize your processes and products. Batalyse is a spin-off of the Fraunhofer ICT and the software is used by many institutes of the Fraunhofer Battery Alliance.

In 2019, volytica diagnostics GmbH, another successful spin-off of the Fraunhofer IVI, was founded, focusing on reliable condition monitoring of batteries based on field data. volytica diagnostics focuses on safe and easy-to-integrate battery diagnostics solutions based on decades of research.

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Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB
c/o Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB

Dr.-Ing. Katharina Ahlbrecht

Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 7
76327 Pfinztal, Germany
Phone: +49 721 4640 520