Weitere Angebote zum Thema Batterietechnik

Prof. Dr. Kristina Edström

Uppsala University

A. Business address:
Department of Chemistry – Ångström Laboratory,
Uppsala University,
Box 538, SE-751 21 Uppsala,
Telephone: +46-18-4713713 or +46-1679006.
E-mail: kristina.edstrom@kemi.uu.se

B. Appointments

3. Present employment: Since 2005 Head Professor in Chemistry (the Structural Chemistry Program), Uppsala University.

4. Employment history

  • Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Inorganic Chemistry at Uppsala University, 1999-2005
  • Research Associate (Forskarassistent), 1995-1999
  • Assistant Professor (Universitetsadjunkt) and Study Counsellor, 1990-1995


5. Longer visits abroad: 2001-01-15—2001-04-15, research visit at the Neutron Spallation Source at KEK, Tsukuba Science City, supported by KVA and JSPS. Host Dr. Takashi Kamiyama.

6. Deductible time: arental leave: 1984-1985 6 months and 1987-1988 9 months. Worked part time due to children until 1994. Estimated total time 4 years

C. Leadership

Coordinator of StandUp for Energy, a research network between UU, KTH, LTU and SLU since 2010-
Leader of the Ångström Advanced Battery Centre comprising ~40 people.
Dean of Chemistry 2006-2009
Senior Advisor to the President of Uppsala University, for undergraduate education. 2003-2006
Deputy Dean for the Faculty of Educational Science 2001-2004

D. Distinctions (Prizes and Awards)

UTN-students honorary medal in gold 2011, Thureuspriset 2008, Benzeliusbelöningen 2002.
Luttemanska stipendiet 2001, ”för någon av fakuletens utmärktare docenter”, speciellt med förmåga att förena hög kvalitet inom forskning, utbildning och samverkan med omgivande samhälle. Vattenfalls energistipendium 1986.

E. Supervision of graduate students

PhDs: A.M. Andersson, 200 1(ABB). L. Ahl (Fransson), 2002 (SAPA AB), Student Award, from The Electrochemical Society, 2002. M. Herstedt ( ETTEPLAN), 2003. S. Nordlinder, 2005 (Sandvik AB).
H. Bryngelsson, 2008 (AB Volvo) and involved in the supervision of C. Gejke Chalmers 2002. Emilie Perre, 2010 (joint with Univ. Paul Sabatier). Håkan Hollmark, 2011 (Sandvik). Wendy Fredriksson 2012 (Bodycote), Reza Younesi 2012 (DTU). Sara Malmgren 2013 (STEM), Bertrand Philippe 2013 (Post doc) , Gabriel Oltean 2014 (Post doc), Katarzyna Ciosek Högström 2014 (Forsmark), Jonas Högström 2014 (second supervisor) (Forsmark). Rickard Eriksson 2015.

F. Current PhD. students

I. Baglien, Habtom Asef D, Viktor Renman, Tim Nordh, Erik Björklund, Burak Aktekin (Second supervisor for: F. Lindgren, A. Sobkowiak, Taha Ahmed, Solvei Böhme, Jia Liu, Chenjen Liu)

G. Postdoctoral researchers

A. Bishop, 2001-02, S. Urbonite, 2008-10, M. Hahlin 2010-2013, S. Renault 2011-14, Mario Valvo 2011-14. Matthew Roberts 2011-2012. Matthew Lacey 2012-, Julia Maibach 2014-, Ma Yue 2014-, Will Brandt 2015-

H. Teaching experience

Teaching at all levels of undergraduate and post graduate educations in chemistry (natural science students, civilengineering students and PhD.students in inorganic chemistry, materials chemistry and physics).
Teaching about batteries for civil engineering students in energy systems perspective and electronics.
Responsible for course development and courses such as batteries and hydrogen in the energy system 10 credits and batteries and electric energy storage 6 credits.

I. Current commissions of trust

  • Member of the board of the Battery Division within the Electrochemical Society 2012
  • Member of the board for MAX IV laboratory from 2010-
  • Member 1350 of the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences IVA, 2009
  • Member of the Royal Society for Science in Uppsala, 2011

J. Education – earlier commissions of trust

  • National expert for the design of a new teacher training education, appointed by the minister of education 2007-2008.
  • Member of the National Committee of Chemistry within the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2006-2011
  • Senior Advisor to the President of Uppsala University, 2003-2006
  • Member of the educational science committee, Swedish Research Council (VR) 2004-2006

K. Science – earlier commissions of trust

  • Member of the board of Uppsala University 2010-2013.
  • Member of the board for The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, 2012-2014
  • Chair of the committee for organic, inorganic and solid state chemistry within the Swedish Research Council (VR) 2010. Chari of the material science committee VR 2014.
  • Chair of the committee for multi-project grants for energy within VR 2010
  • Member of the Basic Energy Research Committee, Swedish Energy Agency, 2006-2012
  • Vice chair of the committee for organic, inorganic and analytical chemistry within the Swedish Research Council 2008
  • Member of the programme board of Energy Systems in Road Vehicles, STEM, 2003-2006.
  • Member of the energy committee at the Swedish Research Council (VR) 2004
  • Organizer of the battery and energy tech. session at fall meeting of the Electrochem. Soc., 2005
  • Organizer of different conferences; Nordic symposium on batteries and fuel cells 2001, EPDIC 2002, SSPC. 2004 and LiBD 2005, EPDIC symposium “time resolved diffraction” 2008 etc.
  • Selected by VR and STEM to represent Sweden in Nov. 2005 at the IEA conference “Meeting the global energy”. Chairman for one work-group.
  • Member of the evaluation board of >40 PhD-dissertations.
  • Reviewer for international journals within the field: Totally ~20 papers/year.

L. EU-networks, other academic networks and industrial collaboration

  • Leader of template group within the EU-FP6 Network of Excellence ALISTORE, still ongoing as an ALISTORE-ERI with leading Li-ion battery groups and 15 different large companies.
  • Uppsala has coordinated the SUPERLION EU-FP7 Network for 3D microbatteries.
  • Three national networks for the study of batteries for vehicles involving collaboration with Professor Göran Lindbergh KTH and Professor Per Jacobsson Chalmers. Project on storage with ABB.
  • Currently Member of the FP7 programs EUROLIION and HiC.
  • Member of the ERA-NET consortium MaLiSu

M. Publication statistics

Number of publications: 166 (Edstrom + Edstroem) in ISI database whereof a total of 141 are peer reviewed publications. Seven more papers have recently been accepted for publication. H-index: 35.
Number of conference presentations: more than 150. Whereof invited: >40.
One book chapter, ~11 educational publications and 2 patents.

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