M. Sc. Christopher Hecht
Grid integration of batteries and storage system analysis RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Chair of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems Technology
Christopher’s research focusses on applying machine learning and big data algorithms on public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. Key questions are how the existing infrastructure can best be used, how future expansion is best placed, and how electric vehicles can positively interact with the electricity grid. Through the platform www.mobility-charts.de as well as appearances in various conferences, he is a leading voice on charging infrastructure usage in Germany.
As part of electric mobility, he also focusses on buffer batteries and home energy storage systems. He has experience in the fields CAPEX/OPEX projection for power and gas grid assets, power grid and power market modelling, wind energy tenders, and renewable energy technology. He further has an extensive IT and programming background with projects completed in database management and back-end development.
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