Further offers for the topic Battery technology

We bring scientific solutions to industrial problems

Granutools offers powder characterization instruments and services tailored to address the unique challenges faced by battery manufacturing industries and research centers. Our cutting-edge instruments, including GranuPack, GranuDrum, GranuCharge, GranuFlow, and GranuHeap, are specifically designed for accuracy, repeatability, and operator independence.

With strict initialization protocols and high levels of automation ensuring reliable and precise results, each Granutools instrument addresses specific challenges such as tapped density, packing dynamics, cohesive index, dynamic properties, electrostatic charges measurement, vertical flow rates, angle of repose, and static cohesion.

In battery manufacturing, where various materials contribute to electrode composition, powder flow characterization plays a pivotal role in optimizing the manufacturing process. By gaining better control and understanding of powder properties, you can achieve safer and more powerful batteries.


Rue Jean Lambert Defrêne 107/3
BE – 4340 Awans

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