Further offers for the topic Battery technology

Dr. Eberhard Meißner

Eberhard Meißner has been working since 1985 with VARTA and later with Johnson Controls Power Solutions and is since his retirement a senior battery expert.

He managed for 27 years various development teams in fields of Lead-Acid Batteries and Lithium Ion Batteries, followed by an internal expert role.

After his retirement in 2019, he continues working on batteries of all types for modern automotive systems, esp. analyzing the micro-scale mechanisms behind the macro-scale effects in battery behavior.

Eberhard Meißner is a presenter at conferences and seminars since 1988 and has published many technical and scientific papers and contributions to textbooks on batteries and their applications. The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences awarded Eberhard Meissner with the 2014 Gaston Planté Medal for his contribution to the development of lead-acid battery science and technology.

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