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The importance of batteries, fuel cells and electrolyzers is great to meet our future requirements on the energy supply. However, the safety, performance, and lifetime of e. g. a battery will only be as good as the materials that go into making it. Specifically, powder raw materials, electrodes, separators, current collectors, and electrolytes need to be fully characterized and monitored from the time they enter the production facility until they are incorporated into the final product. The production and combination of these components follows a process chain comprising a large number of consecutive individual steps. Here, these steps must be linked, mastered and understood in detail.
The combination of different measurement techniques along the entire manufacturing process, as well as know-how from both scientific and industrial research is crucial, both for quality assurance and for knowledge-based optimization of raw materials, processes and electrodes. This includes characterization of raw materials via slurry production and characterization, coating with subsequent drying & mechanical finishing by means of calendering, the accompanying layer characterization and the electrochemical characterization and stability analysis.